Saturday, October 17, 2009

Still Not Sure

I am a little frightened of this pink contraption my humans call a "doggie stroller". It seems unsafe as it jostles me around in the most vigorous manner. When Sparky is plunked down beside me like a rump roast with his putrid mouth odor, it truly becomes unbearable. Please, I'm begging, do not force me into this rattletrap again! Gracias!


Tiffany and the Munchkins said...

We are sorry you do not like your stroller Izzy. We dont' have one so we don't know what it is like. We probably wouldn't like it either. Maybe your hoomans will get the picture soon.

Chihuahua kisses,
The Munchkins

Nadine, Chewy and Lilibell said...

I hope your hoomans take pity on you and destroy that evil machine! How horrid to have to sit there with Stinky Breath, BOL!

Chi kisses, Lilibell

Draco and his Mom said...

Oh Izzy, I am sorry you hate your pink stroller, I does preserve your pretty paws though. Say hi to your cool brother for me!

Gail Dixon said...

Thank you for the empathy, my Chihuahua amigos. I escaped the last walk by hiding under the bed and refusing to come out. I figured that was my only option. Those humans are stubborn.

grupo unido de roda fogo said...

I really enjoyed this beautiful space friend. I will keep you visiting. A hug Limoeiro Manoel de Recife-PE.
Food blogs below:

Recife-PE., October 29, 2009. thursday