Today mama came home with bags from the store. I had a good feeling that there was something in there for me. And there was!
Yummy-yum-yum to the yummies! A rawhide chew toy! Mama said it would help clean my teeth. Rubbish! Who cares about that? This thing was delish.
I was just getting a good slobber going, sinking my teeth into its delectable goodness, when Mama suddenly snatched it from me! Cruelty! Cruelty to the highest order! Where can I file charges? She said we had to save some for later. Something about I could get sick if I ate too much. Bah! I live in the here and now. Doesn't she know me by now? I don't care about tomorrow.
I think I found my soul mate!
She tried to distract me with a new Valentine toy, but who does she think she's fooling? How could a cheap stuffed animal take the place of my delicious new chew? I paced up and down by the kitchen counter where it sat calling out to me: "Sparky! Can't you smell me? Mmmmm. I'm so wonderful."
I finally gave up when mama ate dinner. But we WILL revisit this situation tomorrow.
Until then, adios amigos! Cherish your chew toys because you don't know when they will be cruelly taken away. :(