Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ice, Ice, Baby!

Greetings from the frozen tundra! Monday night we were snug as bugs in a rug thinking life couldn't get any better. The next morning we woke to arctic air and ice on the ground. As the day went on it got bitterly cold—more cold than the hour before. Finally it was 12ºF, which is pretty darn cold, according to our mama.

Doing my "duties" outside is undignified enough, but forcing me to parade around in a gaudy pink jacket is just unacceptable. I did one lap around the yard thinking I was supposed to model this gauche outfit, then went straight to the door and planted my bottom down, refusing to budge. The cold wind whipping around my bottom was a most unpleasant feeling. The parts of me that were most affected by this icy blast were completely unprotected. What were my humans thinking?! This was one instance that I wished I'd had Chance's fluffy tail. Although I am proud of my petite appendage it was completely useless to me in this situation.

More embarrassing moments:

Tomorrow will be the third day that mama is home from work. That part I like, but I can sense that she is getting cabin fever. I hope we thaw out soon because I'm afraid of what she's going to dress me in next. I only have one question: why aren't my brothers subjected to this form of torture?


Nadine, Chewy and Lilibell said...

Izzy, we think you look beautiful in that pink jacket, pink really is your color! It's a good thing you don't live with us, you'd be dressed up, BOL!

As far as the cold goes where you live, look at it this way, at least it won't stay cold like it does up here for us! Mom says that we are officially boycotting winter as of this past storm we had and that spring had better hurry up and get here!

Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell

Sketching with Dogs said...

We think you look very snazzy in your hot pink coat.
Wow, that is cold, we might have miserable rain most of the time but at least the snow has gone - (we hope...)
Hope you learn how to wee quick and get back to the fire inside, bol.
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx

A Creative Grace said...

what an awesome coat :)

Mats said...

Very cute dog! Nice photos as well!

Chatty Crone said...

I didn't know you had these two dogs. We have one - half this kind and half Jack Russell and we love him to death.