Saturday, August 5, 2006

A New Life

Despite a rocky start, I have managed to overcome many obstacles since I was orphaned unexpectedly at one week old. I owe any success I have now and in the future to my foster mom, Amy. She is the nicest lady I could have hoped for, considering my frail beginnings. Before my eyes were even open, she was feeding me through a tube every few hours. When my eyes became infected, she put medicine on them. Now I have gorgeous, bright eyes, and a big fat tummy. Furthermore, I have a new home with 3 big brothers.

It appears that I will receive the same amount of affection, attention and food that I was receiving from Miss Amy. I also have my own bedroom here with a large pen that my new mom calls "Queen Izzy's Palace". This new palace of sorts has afforded me my own bathroom facilities consisting of newspaper on one end. After only one night, I figured out this set up all on my own. Mom was so surprised and happy to see that I used the newspaper for the purpose it was intended.

One of my brothers, Sparky, has appointed himself my guardian. He protects me and my food in an almost obsessive way. I'm getting suspicious of the food guarding though. What is his ulterior motive? I know I'm still very young, but I don't think the Science Diet bag needs protection. Hmmm....

As soon as I am able, I will update my new friends on my new life. Cheers!

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