Thursday, November 19, 2009


Sparky sure has been on the warpath lately. The littlest thing sets him off.

Tonight, Chance had the audacity to jump on the couch to be next to mom. This caused Sparky to morph into patroldog extraordinaire. It was funny watching him pace up and down along the edge of the couch, growling. All he needed was a uniform and a holster. Oh, and a badge.

Chance is a lovely, docile boy. It pains me to see him mistreated by the Sparkman. I don't understand why Sparky dislikes him so. Perhaps he's jealous. I mean look at Chance's lovely fur and doe-like face. Best of all, he doesn't smell bad like some dogs I know. :/


Nadine, Chewy and Lilibell said...

I think Sparky is just jealous of him, maybe Chance should sit on Sparky??

Chi kisses, Lililbell

Draco and his Mom said...

Your brother Chance is very handsome, I think Sparky just wants the mama for himself.