This time of year does not agree with me. Still recovering from a ruptured disc, I developed tonsillitis last weekend. Not only did that mean another trip to see Dr. Fred in his house of horrors, I now have 2 foul-tasting medications added to my daily routine. I can't seem to catch a break.
Me and December started this nonsense last year when I was diagnosed with gastroenteritis. Shortly after that, I developed dermatitis. My problems seem to come in twos and end in "itis". These events usually occur in December and January, so hopefully I am done for a while.
Getting back to tonsillitis, did you know that too much plaque on your teeth can cause it? My mom and dad didn't even know dogs have tonsils, and my mom worked at a vet clinic for 6 years. Anyway, Dr. Fred scraped my teeth which caused me to become all un-ladylike, screeching like an undignified creature, not caring who heard me. He then suggested that I return in February (something about Pet Dental Health Month) to have a deep cleaning done. I hope the humans know that I am not interested in that, thank you very much. If they force me to go I will cause such a dramatic outburst, they'll wish we had all stayed home where we belong.
Wow, I did not know that we could get tonsillitis! You learn something new every day!! I hope that you are feeling better real soon and maybe you can run away and live with us until your silly hoomans forget about taking you back to that house of horrors!!
Chi kisses, Lilibell
Thanks for the offer, Lilibell. Your offer is tempting. BOL!
Wow, hope you feel better.
Your friends at chihuahua information online
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