Saturday, August 1, 2009

Charmed Life

I lead a very charmed life. My humans are what some might call "overprotective". After three years, they have finally started to include me on the family walks with my two brothers, but because I am so petite, they fear that some of the beastly neighborhood dogs could potentially have me for an evening snack.

Being harnessed to Daddy is normally something I would love, but I still don't quite understand this contraption. What if I fall out? Therefore, it still makes me a little nervous.

Sparky says he is embarrassed by Daddy carting me around like I'm royalty. Well, as far as I'm concerned he can just get over himself. He embarrasses ME by urinating on weeds, grass, and mailboxes. What crass behavior. Afterwards, he comes home exhausted. Look at him.

Oh well, at least Chance behaves like a gentleman. He's my favorite. But sshhhh, don't tell anyone.

1 comment:

Tiffany and the Munchkins said...

You look adorable in your harness, strapped to Daddy! Mom keeps talking about getting us something like that for when she and Dad go on their walks. We'll be allowed to walk the first half, but will have to be harnessed in the frontpack for the walk back. I'm not sure how I feel about that though.

Chihuahua kisses,
Bentley (& Lexus)