Friday, August 7, 2009

What Did You Call Me?

I have so many aliases, I can hardly keep up. Apparently, my humans think it is okay to call me everything but the name that I was given.
Here are some of my nicknames:

Spark Plug
Sparky Plug
Sparkles *ewwww* *gag*

The last one is wrong. Just WRONG!


Draco and his Mom said...

Hey Sparky, I think Sparkles is a very nice nickname...I bet your mom calls you that when you are being so charming and cute.
Auntie Deb

Tiffany and the Munchkins said...

Ha ha ha ha! The last one is our favorite. We love it. Don't feel bad though. Mom called our older bubba whose name was Tiny, who we never met, Twinkles and he was a boy. Your nicknames are very cute and your name definitely suits you.

Chihuahua kisses,
Bentley & Lexus

Autumn said...

You forgot 'Rump Roast'! Heh heh heh.