Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Yesterday, I was forced to see Dr. Fred, my nemesis. You see, sometime during the weekend I hurt myself and had trouble walking. Mama was frantic. Daddy was trying to force himself to believe it was nothing serious.

After talking to her vet tech friend, she and my mom determined that since I was still eating and drinking and there was no vomiting or diarrhea, it could probably wait until Monday.

My visit to Dr. Fred was like all the previous visits. Lots of prodding, poking, trimming, and teeth scaling. Oh, and the dreaded SHOT! My hiney hurt. Owie! Mom and dad were told that I have a Prolapsed Disc. I am on strict bed rest and not allowed to jump, run, or play. I must be carried out to the yard to do my business and carried back in.

I really feel like a princess now. As it should be. :)


Draco and his Mom said...

Izzy, I am sad to hear about your disc...just be careful and don't get all irritated with Sparky and chase him. Will this disc thing get better with time? You are a princess, but I don't like to hear about you being in pain.

Gail Dixon said...

Thanks, Draco. Yes, doc says strict bed rest for a week and I should be back to normal. I'm already trying to run and climb stairs which sends the humans into a panic. Tee hee. :)

Nadine, Chewy and Lilibell said...

Poor Izzy, so sorry to hear about this, but at least you get the royal treatment! You take care of yourself, and please don't put your hoomans into a panic anymore.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell

Gail Dixon said...

Thanks for your concern, Chewy & Lilibell. I'm still walking funny, but I am still on the medications, so hopefully I'll be back to normal soon!